• An innovative project funded by chellram charites and has been in action since 2001.
• These dams are called kachcha dams which are based on locale material, local human power and local technology again , it is simple to manage by the village people
• Right from the site-selection, local people play a vital role in decision- making procees, at every stage of implementation
• The 50% of the normal wages are paid in form of food – grains. That is how is a successful model of “food-for-work”.
• People have experienced the benefits of the dams mainly in monsoon, when there are occasional wet spells in such critical time, they can save the crop by providing protective irrigation, using engines. They lift water from.
• The project is cost – effective and plays an important role in soil and water conservation in hilly area of dharampur and kaprada, where soft rock gives way, because of sleep hilly area, heavy spell deforestation
• Around 350 such dams have been built till date